einen blog

Monday, June 25, 2007

Number 4, Sublime Healthcare

Okay, these next four posts are going to seem out of order and possibly shallow. But, this is my list of favorite Zurich things, so while healthcare is important, its not the most important thing for me right now. Possibly I will need to re-visit the top ten list order when I'm being helicoptered out of alps after a hard day of skiing. Nevertheless, the healthcare system here is definitely one of my most favorite aspects of living here. And here's why: its affordable and convenient.

A little story: last year on the day I arrived I was really, really sick. Almost in need of hostpitalization. I asked around and the secretary suggested that I go to the doctor's office in the train station - not quite the emergency room, but you don't need an appointment. So I went, they gave me a strep throat culture, had the results back to me in 10 minutes and sent me on my way to the pharmacy next door for antibiotics in less than an hour.

(Clinic is the blue awning, pharmacy in green)

The doctor's visit, including the strep culture and without health insurance, cost me $40. Fast forward to a week ago, same symptoms, I have health insurance but my deductable is large, so I figure I will just go back to the train station clinic. I end up with the same doctor and while he doesn't recognize me, he is able to look up my previous visit in the computer (no paper chart required). He gives me a strep culture and this time negative. But instead of sending me home with "hot tea" advice, he does a blood test. I thought it would take at least a day to get the results...no, 5 minutes. Turns out, I have another bacterial throat thing, so he gives me antibiotics and a nice goodbye in which he says he'll "see me next year at the same time". This time the doctor's visit including throat culture and blood test, without health insurance paying anything yet: $42. And 2 hours for a full diagnosis. No hassle healthcare.


At 10:05 PM, Blogger karrie said...

Good thing they have good health care - You'll need it when they decide that you need your tonsils out :)

hope you feel better


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