einen blog

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

couch surfing

I finally found an apartment and I get to move in another 1.5 weeks. And by move, I mean myself, a suitcase and a bicycle because I have nothing else. None of my boxes have arrived yet (still?). I'm starting to get worried that the slow boat from San Francisco sank taking my books, pillows, and shoes with it....anyway, I also have no furniture so the other new post-doc, Caroline, and I have been furniture shopping. At first we went to real furniture stores - mmm leather sofas, scandinavian designed chairs and artistic light fixtures. Here's one sofa we looked at. it only costs $10,000, and while I now have a real job, it doesn't pay that well!

So we went the opposite direction, to the flea market

Unfortunately, they didn't have much in the way of furniture. So while I can decorate with cowbells and swiss kisch, I will have to buy my furniture from ikea....


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