einen blog

Thursday, September 28, 2006

flaming baby pig

otherwise known as a "spannferkel", which is what I ended up eating on Saturday night with a large biker gang from Stuttgart. A friend of mine came to visit for the weekend and we planned a low key weekend hiking in Davos - mountains, glaciers

and, apparently, vacation destination for the Schwaben...

as you can see, my camera finally died, so I'm surviving on my phone and low quality disposable cameras...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Out of Order Travel (III): Murren

the second month I was here, I did in fact go visit the alps - as an earth scientist (and a human), I enjoy mountains and glaciers....

Aren't they beautiful?

On this trip, I did some fantastic day hiking which brought me by an alpine dairy where I got to taste freshly made yoghurts and cheeses. the second day, I hiked up to the Schilthorn. It was covered in rainy fog, but I had to go up just to say I saw two movie sets in one day: In Her Majesties Secret Service, and The Eiger Sanction. nothing much exciting happened (no assasins or stolen artwork), but it was refreshing finally getting out of the city and into the mountains. more photos here

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Back from Oz

I think I forgot to post about my going out of town, but I think most people that read this knew already. I went to Australia for a geochemistry conference. There was networking and handshaking and general being on best behavior. Then I spent some time traveling around for a week with various friends, you can check out my photos here. Lots of fun. And I got to buy 25 pairs of my favorite underwear. Someday I will write a proper ode to Bonds, but today I'm tired, so just pictures....