the fruits of the knitting train
with all the travel lately, I had enough time on trains to finish the clapatois. I think the old knitting group would be proud that I finally finished another big project:
with all the travel lately, I had enough time on trains to finish the clapatois. I think the old knitting group would be proud that I finally finished another big project:
the swiss love the cows, love that other countries view the swiss as cow-loving folk and love gimmicky cows. in an earlier post I showed a picture of one of the more prevalent ads, so I think I'm going to post once a week (or so) with a new swiss cow in action. and since I'm lazy, in the future it may just be a picture....
last week we (ETH) hosted a conference and somehow I was volunteered to help with registration and sightseeing even though I (1) have little experience with conference registration software and (2) have only lived here for 2 months. anyway, the conference was uneventful (ie, I didn't mis-register anyone or accidently refund everyones money) and the sightseeing ended up being quite nice - we took a boat down to other end of the Zurichsee (Lake Zurich) to the olde towne of Rapperswil. only two pictures, one from the boat looking back at Zurich and one ridiculous one of me that one of my charges insisted on taking -
I figured since everyone else's blog had one, I would too. if only we could turn this into a really good underwear pyramid scheme.....
I've lost 20 points off my IQ and and all sense of correct american cynicism and taste. One of the problems in not knowing the language is that I'm always last weekend when the tram system was disrupted due to construction and there was a PA announcement every 10 minutes that instead of taking the #3, I should take the #9 and transfer at paradeplatz. it took three #9's stopping and leaving before I figured this out. or that the 3 prices at the ice tea machine are (1) small, (2) large and (3) large plus you buy the glass. the "buy the glass" option means that you get the glass that is in front of the ice tea machine, the other options' glasses are near the water fountain. I bought 2 glasses and put them back through the cafeteria system before this was pointed out to me. and then there's the trash, which I've had to store on my balcony for 2 weeks because I couldn't figure out my trash day. I went to see the Pirate movie and thought it was fantastic - everyone was laughing, I was laughing. and then I asked myself, it got poor reviews in the states, what does me + swiss laughing at the same movie mean? the europeans love Home Improvement (the bouncer at a club I walked by was wearing an "authentic" t-shirt, tool belt and a dance club). will I soon adore Home Improvement, or even worse, The King of Queens?
I finally made it to the alps for some real hiking and glacier viewing. and in true sarah fashion forgot to charge my battery camera and had to buy a disposable. while waiting for the film to be developed, I went on another trip, to Prague. It was great fun and I took lots of pictures, just a preview here, the rest are on my flickr page.